New to Shepherd?
Are you a new member, or thinking about becoming a member? Tell us about yourself by signing the guest book, or filling out the new member form, available online.
We offer new member classes. Pastor Janet is ready to nurture you on your faith journey by listening to what is on your mind and in your heart and will work with you to schedule classes that fit your life. Please contact the office for details.
Suggestions are always welcome! Ideas for worship, music, serving others, reaching out, education, small groups, community events, or anything else on your mind are appreciated. Share what you're thinking by clicking here for our online suggestion form.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." I Corinthians 13:13
Worship in Faith
At Shepherd of the Hills, we believe in the Greatest Commandment "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind;
and love your neighbor as yourself". We focus on providing a foundation for life based on the love that teaches every person we encounter that they are God's beloved child.
An important part of God's world, children and youth are always welcome as part of our worship service. Each Sunday children of all ages are invited forward to participate in the Children's Sermon according to their level of comfort. We also have a coloring table and soft toys available in our sanctuary for the little ones and a nursery/library area for other needs.
We invite you to contribute to our worship service in these ways, as you feel called:
~Sign up to read the Sunday lessons
~Visit with Pastor Janet or one of our Assisting Ministers to learn about helping
with Communion
~Recite a prayer petition during our Prayers of Intercession
~Share a personal story about where you've seen or felt God's presence recently
during Congregational Sharing
Coffee & Conversation
Stay after worship for a time of fellowship, conversation, and study about various faith topics. Coffee, tea or juice, and an assortment of delectable treats are always available.
Faith Education
Pastor Janet and the faith family of Shepherd of the Hills believe in teaching the love of Jesus as a way of being, as well as a way of believing. Whether in worship, service, or in the community, we believe in nurturing a faith active in love in ourselves and the world.
Using the Bible, select works of Daniel Erlander and Luther's Small Catechism, we cultivate growing in our daily walk with God together.
We also incorporate other literature and select texts for ongoing study, such as Phillip Yancy's "What's So Amazing About Grace", and the current book "3:16" by Max Lucado is the subject of our Wednesday Morning Zoom Bible Study.
Learning Opportunities for All Ages
Connecting with others is easy! Explore our study, small group, and ministry
opportunities, or start a new small group and invite your friends. Everyone is welcome at Shepherd of the Hills!
Ongoing Ministries
Adult Bible Study - Wednesdays at 11am
Comfort Stitchers - Thursdays at 10am (currently on pause)
Men's Bible Study Breakfast - Fridays at 6:30am
Perspectives Dinner Out - 2nd and 4th Fridays at 5pm
Boulder Shelter for the Homeless Meal Service - 1st Tuesday of every month--5pm (currently on pause)
Shepherd Little Free Pantry
At Shepherd of the Hills and Pardes Levavot, we work together to provide help for those in need. If you or someone you know is struggling with food insecurity, please stop by to access our "Little Free Pantry" in the Church/Synagogue parking lot. All pantry items are available 24/7 to anyone in need, whether for a moment or on an ongoing basis. The pantry is restocked regularly through the donations of both our members and our neighbors.
Should you need additional assistance, please contact the Church Office at 303-530-4422 to request a conversation about how we might be able to help or by calling Pastor Janet's cell at 507-360-1625
Boulder County Community Infant Program Room - Clothing items, diapers,
Seasonal Ministries*
Charity Concerts - Annual Mother's Day Concert for Community Infant Program
Ulman 4K for Cancer fund for Young Adults Hosting - Monday - Wednesday
following the 4th of July
Annual Women's Retreat
Annual Blessing of the Pets on our outside patio
Annual Community Infant Program (CIP) Thanksgiving Food Drive and
Thanksgiving Meal Bags - Every October and November
Annual Christmas Singalong in December
*Please check our Calendar regularly for a listing of dates and information
about how you can participate in these seasonal ministry opportunities.
Christian Education at Shepherd provides the basics of Christian and Lutheran teachings, no matter what age you begin your faith journey.
Baptism is from birth to life. For Baptism preparation, we use "Let the Children Come" for parents and sponsors.
Affirmation of Faith and (Confirmation) and Communion Preparation
We believe in cultivating a faith that is active in love and service to God's world.
We use Erlander's "Manna and Mercy" for those who wish to explore and claim their baptismal promises for themselves and Erlander's "A Place for You" to prepare those interested in deepending their
understanding of Holy Communion.
Cultivating Relationships through Deep Ecumenism
We believe in the importance of nourishing the faith journeys of all people and celebrate our journeys together through study, worship, and service for the sake of the world with our friends of the
Gunbarrel Faith Partnership: Niwot United Methodist Church, Pardes Levavot Jewish Renewal Congregation, St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Valmont Community Presbyterian, and Vinelife