Please join us at 9:30 each Sunday Morning as we celebrate God's presence in our lives.  Everyone is welcome at our participatory worship with Holy Communion through a hybrid In Person and Zoom format.

Sunday Worship Zoom Link: 




Shepherd Zoom Worship
Zoom Hybrid 9.15.2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [524.5 KB]
Shepherd At Home Reflection
At Home 9.15.2024 FINAL.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [604.5 KB]
PLEASE HELP FILL our neighborhood Little Free Pantry by donating or helping pack meals! Please see the list of items needed and flyer below and please let us know if you have any questions! Thank you for your time and consideration!
-Canned & dried whole beans
-Canned tuna and chicken
-Uncooked bags of rice & lentils
-Dried fruit and Nuts
-Pasta and pasta sauce
-Parmesan cheese (green lid nonperishable)
-bags of flour or bread mix

Please see our Community page for Shepherd of the Hills COVID-19 updates

and our Community ministries: 


Community Infant Program


Food Ministries


Homeless Shelter




In-Person/Zoom Sunday Worship Service: Sundays - 9:30 a.m.


Use this bit.ly link to safely connect to our Hybrid Worship Service:




In-Person Coffee & Conversation: Sundays after Worship Service


Amazing Grace Bible Study: Wednesdays - 11:00 a.m.


Men's Bible Study: Fridays - 7:00 a.m.


Zoom Perspectives Social Gathering: Fridays  - 5:00 p.m.


Monthly Zoom Council Meeting:  2nd Tuesday of the Month - 6:30 p.m.


Please contact Shepherd of the Hills via email (shepherdboulder@gmail.com) to receive the Online Meeting instructions in order to join in any of these virtual activities. 


Please join us. We welcome you as your authentic self! 

We welcome you with loving hearts. We are a respite from the chaos and "stuff" of the world. We find comfort in God's Word and healing in prayer. We grow in faith together and find strength in service to others. Join us at the table to receive God's sacrament where the only prerequisites are an open heart and an open hand.


Thank you for visiting our website!